Hi! Welcome to my site :) I made this thing because I was bored, mostly. It's a WIP, and will be for quite a while. I work on it when I feel like it.


I used to webmaster for a different website (if you recognize the usernames citypretty or lostinthestarz, that was me), which I really enjoyed. It was pretty cool. But, unfortunately, when I had gotten my site up and running, and styled to my liking, I didn't know what to do. I hadn't planned that far ahead, and found myself stuck for ideas. I didn't know what else to do with my site, so I left it lying for months, and eventually deleted it.

But I still wanted to run a website, and I told myself that if I came up with a good enough idea, I would make it happen. This is that idea.


Science is a long-term special interest of mine, and I had already started a 'thing' on the periodic table when I realized I could make a website. I was also inspired by RobWords' YouTube video on the etymology of the elements (link). So, yeah. That's why this site exists.